Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Part I

Wine and Cheese Tasting

Today we had a crash course on how to experience wine and try different cheeses. It was a lovely afternoon outside with friends, laughter, and wonderful flavors. I will try my best to account for the events of the afternoon, however some people dedicate whole blogs to solely wine, so this just the surface of the surface.

For those that don’t know anything about wine:

-5,000 varieties of grapes in the world

- 500 varieties used for making wine

- La Vendange (grape harvest) is from late August to late October

- 5 Wine families

o Red

o Rosé

o White

o Moussu

o Liquereux


- La Vue ( how it looks) – the “robe (dress) “ of the wine i.e. color and legs

The faster the legs move the lower the alcohol content, the slower the higher

White wines: Start green

1 Month transparent

1 year pale

2 years pale yellow

eventually become a slight brown

Red Wines: Start purple

1 ½ years turn black

3 years black orange

- L’Odeur (smell) the boquet

- Le Goût (taste) aromas, feel





N.B. Make sure to hold the glass on the bottom to prevent heating up the wine

We sampled 4 wines from 3 different regions of France a white, rosé, red, and champagne/port.


From Alsace

Jean Marie Strubbler Riesling 2008 12.5%

“green wine”

apple, pear, sweet

goes well with fish & salad


Nîmes, Languedoc

Gallician, Costières de Nîme Cuvée Tradition 2009 12.5%



* Rosé are a young wine, have been around for 20 years, and is considered to be for women


Bordeaux, Aquitaine

Bordeaux, Grand Vin de Bordeau, Les Maitres Goustiers 2009 13%

Black fruits


* Bordeaux was the first region to mix different varieties of grapes together


Muscador, Cèpage


Buying Wine:

-Whites and Rosés don’t preserve very long, so always buy a young wine from the last 1 to 2 years

- Good wines come from specialty shops

- If the neck is sticky, the cork is permeable and therefore the wine is no longer good.

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