Friday, May 28, 2010

Le Sel

Salt plays a very important role in world history, and its effects are still seen today. The word "salary" come from the latin word "salarium" which was a roman soldiers allowance for the purchase of salt.
In Aigues- Morte located in Southeastern France there is a very large salt mine which produces all the salt for France and is well known all over the world for their Sel de Fleur. Each year Le Salin- de- Giraud proudces 5,000 tonnes of salt from their 14,000 hectares of land.
Aigues-Morte is a historic town founded in 1240, which became the most important port during the 14th Century with funding from Louis IX. However at the end of the century the canals were no longer navigable because of excessive silt and when Provence became a part of France in 1481 Marseille took Aigues-Morte's place as the only southern port of the kingdom.

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