Monday, May 18, 2009


i have been inspired to start a blog, which i feel is long overdue and should have been started back ages ago when i ventured out to study in bangor, wales. but now is a better time than ever (even though i feel there is a high lack of lustre in my writing skills)

after a week long spell of non-stop rain in santiago, it was finally a gorgeous cloudy day with a touch of sun. i don't think i have ever felt so relieved to see weather forecast that predicts three partly cloudy days. this is galicia.

yesterday i had a very surprising encounter. as i was taking off my coat in a nearby café , about to enjoy a coffee with my brasilian erasmus friend, i look up, and through the doorway i see one of my spanish professors from bangor at the bar. we do a double take and realise that this is quite a coincidence. we briefly chatted about my classes, and
eurovision, ( azerbijan should've won) and how she was in santiago for the manifestación.

this weekend is a puente (bridge), an extended holiday, day off before the weekend and after the weekend making a bridge, for the celebration of ascensión. starting wednesday everyday has a whole series of events taking place such as concerts, readings, and races, not to mention that part of the alameda has been turned into a fair.

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