Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter! Christ is risen! 
It is definitely not the same celebrating Easter without my family, today I miss them dearly and wish I could be with them.

However, today, which started out overcast, has turned out to be beautiful and my two roommates and I made a nice big lunch which we were able to enjoy out on our terrace. And Sara surprised us with giant chocolate eggs with a surprise inside :)

        1º piatto zucchini                        2º piatto- polpette!                  Dolce- Tiramisù 
         and philidelphia

I went to mass at San Pietro's on Via Indipendenza with some students from BCSP, it was a beautiful service, on my way I surprised at how many bars, caff'és, mcdonalds, and other shops were open today seeing as Italy is a Catholic country. 
In general there isn't at much of a presence of the holiday as there would be in the US. I also feel as if I missed out on a lot of parades and celebrations during holy week.  Maybe this is a difference between Northern and Southern Italy? 

1 comment:

  1. Britta, what was inside of the egg? I can't tell from the photograph. We will be in MN for the weekend and will miss being around your sweetness. Love, Shar
