Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter! Christ is risen! 
It is definitely not the same celebrating Easter without my family, today I miss them dearly and wish I could be with them.

However, today, which started out overcast, has turned out to be beautiful and my two roommates and I made a nice big lunch which we were able to enjoy out on our terrace. And Sara surprised us with giant chocolate eggs with a surprise inside :)

        1º piatto zucchini                        2º piatto- polpette!                  Dolce- Tiramisù 
         and philidelphia

I went to mass at San Pietro's on Via Indipendenza with some students from BCSP, it was a beautiful service, on my way I surprised at how many bars, caff'és, mcdonalds, and other shops were open today seeing as Italy is a Catholic country. 
In general there isn't at much of a presence of the holiday as there would be in the US. I also feel as if I missed out on a lot of parades and celebrations during holy week.  Maybe this is a difference between Northern and Southern Italy? 

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Spring has sprung in Bologna and its beautiful. However, we kind of actually skipped spring, went from winter to summer with sunny, hot, 80º weather. I've been enjoying sitting out on my balcony with the tree that crawls over the side and on top  and that started to sprout its leaves. It makes studying for the 4 exams I have next week a little more enjoyable. 

The lilacs are starting to bloom, the trees are blossoming and Bologna is more than beautiful.