Sunday, December 12, 2010


   Saturday I took a day trip to Milan with my friend Hope. We went with the intention of seeing two exhibitions: Caravaggio, an Impossible Exhibition, and Salvador Dalì, Il Sogno Si Avvicina.  We first stopped at the Carvaggio exhibition and the woman working asked us if we knew that all the paintings were replicas. We hadn't known so we didn't spend the money and we skipped it- so unfortunately we didn't see any Caravaggio.

Dalì's work is breathtaking and inspiring. Destino is a short animation film he worked on with Walt Disney 

At this time of year Milan is crawling with markets full of trinkets and the such for potential Christmas gifts and lots of goodies like chocolate covered nuts, dried fruit, and cheese.

We stopped at the  famous Panificio Luini and got delicious deep fried panzerotti filled with spicy salami and mozzarella. This is a hot spot for lunch or a snack in Milan- two lines spill out the doors and there is a bouncer- all just for a delicious traditional pugliese calzone.

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