Saturday, October 9, 2010

Osteria del Sole

An Osteria varies from other restaurants in the sense that it's focuses is on hospitality instead of "haute cuisine." Osteria comes from the old french oste,which comes from the latin hospite meaning hostess... therefore the primary function of osterias is, well, hospitality.

Osteria del Sole is the oldest Osteria in Bologna. It dates back to 1452 and is still exactly the same today. It's discreet and hardly noticeable with its unmarked entrance that has little wooden sign above the door with vino written on it.

Here, you must bring your own food to eat and share with others, and the provide you with drink, upon drink, upon drink.

Its modest with one small crowded counter where people can order wine, one bathroom with a key marked paradiso, and walls covered in photographs from top to bottom and wall to wall.

My flatmates decided to host an End of Summer party on Thursday to end the season right, as autumn is kicking in and classes are in full swing next week.
We spent the afternoon cooking stuffed tomatoes, spinach pastry, homemade pizza, and salmon/herb rolls.

There was a great turn out of friends, more food one could possibly eat, followed by lots of laughter and singing.

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