Friday, May 27, 2011

View From the Two Towers

Right at the end of Via Rizzoli where Via Zamboni, Via San Vitale, Strada Maggiore, Via Santo Stefano, and Via Castiglione all come together there are the two famous towers of Bologna. 

Last week when my brother and sister-in-law were traveling around Italy we conquered the tallest tower and enjoyed the breathtaking view of the medieval city. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Italian Health Care

Last week I woke up with an extremely sore throat and wasn't able to talk without having tears come to my eyes.   After calling my friend and having her consult her mom who is a doctor we decided that I should probably go see a doctor. However, the American doctor here in Bologna that BCSP uses didn't have office hours that day, so the only other option was to go to the emergency room, or as it's called in italian Pronto Soccorso. 

10:30 call a taxi to drop us off at Via Massarenti 9, we arrive at Ospedale Sant Orsola and the taxi is not able to drop us off at the correct building, so he leaves us in a parking lot and we walk into the emergency room. However this was the pediatric emergency room. So unable to talk, my friend asks where the emergency room for adults is. 

11:00 We arrive at the correct Pronto Soccorso, which isn't in the same building, but down the street, and around the corner. We get in line for triage. There are two people in front of me. While waiting an old lady walks in with her nose bleeding severely from a fall and a young man walks in also bleeding and thankfully they were quickly rushed into triage. 

11:40 Brought back into the room where my friend explains what's wrong, as it's too painful to talk. The woman takes my temperature and blood pressure and gives me the diagnosis of something along the lines of pharyngitis. 

11:45 My passport details are taken, I'm given a medical bracelet, and we're told to go sit in the waiting room. Unfortunately we were given the color of doom: white, signifying the lack of emergency and the board says that the estimated wait time is 220 minutes.... almost 4 hours. 
14:00 My name is finally called.  They wouldn't let my friend come with me so all I could get out to the doctor was " fa male" and "รจ difficile di parlare." The doctor looks in my mouth and tells me, "Well it doesn't seem so bad" and then goes " ooooh, there are your tonsils." So the nurse takes some blood. 

14:05 Back in the waiting room, waiting for my blood results. 
17:00 My name is called again, the nurse hands me the results and tells me to go talk to the man at the information desk who will tell me where to go next. The man at the information desk had no idea what to do and couldn't tell me where to go. After a small goose chase we figure out that I need to see the otolaryngology specialist. 

18:00 Finally with another doctor she looks into my mouth again and tells me that I have tonsillitis. She prescribes me some antibiotics. 

18:15 At the 24 hour pharmacy in Piazza Maggiore 

18:30 Back home and in bed.

After 7 hours of waiting I had that little slip of paper allowing me to go the pharmacy and get antibiotics. After 7 hours of waiting and only a total of maybe 20 minutes with a doctor I was able to leave the hospital. I owe major props to my friend who waited with me that whole time and sat by my side, talked for me, and kept me company even when I probably wasn't the most enjoyable company to be around. 
I definitely missed having my family doctor back in Minnesota who I could call up and within an hour have been in and out and had a prescription in hand. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Early Thursday morning, BCSP headed off into the Tuscan hills for a 2 day holiday organized by the program. We stopped at Monteriggioni, Siena, Sant'Anna in Camprena, Pienza, Montelcino, and Sant Antimo. It was a busy two days, full of friends, laughter, and sun.
In Siena, we had a tour and got to the Duomo and learned all about the culture of the Palio of Siena which takes place two times a year, once  July2nd  and again August 16th .
Thursday night we stayed in an old monastery that is now an Agriturismo. The grounds were beautiful, we watched the sunset, and ate a delicious traditional Tuscan meal.
Friday morning we stopped at Pienza and we're excited to see the trapazoidial piazza which influenced Renaissance urban design. We continued on to Montelcino, where we stopped to pick up lunch for our 8 kilometer hike, but we're surprised with a grocery store strike. 
Continuing on through the beautiful country side we stopped at a contadina to see and learn how they make the famous Brunello wine. We got to taste test two different wines, bask in the sun, and relax before we continued on the hike to Sant Antimo.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Turkish Delight

Two weeks ago, right after I finished taking my exams for Art History and Food and Culture and had attempted to take my Cultural Anthropology exam, I headed off to Istanbul, Turkey for four days.  Turkey was absolutely wonderful, and was much more Western and American than I had expected. 
One of the first things we did was get a Turkish coffee, which is like drinking mud, and remember NOT to stir your coffee otherwise you'll be drinking coffee grounds, and a kebab. And of course after the infamous scene from the Chronicles of Narnia, in which Edmund devours Turkish Delight, it was necessary to indulge as well. 
There is a lot of street food being sold which is all delicious, bagel-like rolls, honey drenched churros, roasted corn, taffy, nuts, tabacco, freshly squeezed pomegranate and orange juice... 
Istanbul is also crawling with cats. There are cats everywhere. Some of them are adorable, others are missing eyes and clumps of fur from cat fights. 
We stopped in various mosques and also went into the Hagia Sofia, which was first an Orthodox Patriarchal Basilica (350-1453) and then a mosque (1453-1931) and now it serves as a museum. It's gorgeous and incredibly interesting as you clearly see signs of both religions- the Madonna right next to Qu'ran scripture. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) is across from Hagia Sofia and is said to have been built to be bigger, and more beautiful than Hagia Sofia which had been the largest Mosque in the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque was criticized for having 6 minarets, which was the same number of minarets in Mecca, so the sultan resolved the problem by ordering a 7th minaret at Mecca. 
New Mosque        Blue Mosque  

And of course we stopped at the spice market and got all sorts of dried fruit, teas, spices, coffee, and candies.